Monday, June 8, 2009

In response to theOX...

If you have anything further to say, I'd be glad to hear it. I take interest in your peculiar responses to my fellow classmates. If you'd rather not hold a mature conversation, or think that you are incapable of doing so (you did hint that you failed out of class), then ADMIT your own personal shortcomings and KINDLY MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS rather than make childish, inane statements on others' blogs, especially assignments that you ought to know are not undertaken with any goal other than for passing the class.


theOX said...

if you keep setting up nifty blogs for me to respond to I'm never gonna go away...(ooh, creepy!)

theOX said...

I forgot to put in my last response that if you think I'm so stupid, why are you using words that are more than 5 letters? trying to show off, or maybe intimidate me? either way... you're more insecure than a safe that's lock is made of scotch tape!... (ooh, metephor!)

theOX said...

check out my blog, I left a message just for you, you lucky duck!

anonymous(yes,me) said...

By the way, if you really want to come off as a 45-year-old, don't mention lollipops. Offering a lollipop and carefully avoiding profanity is a sure sign you're not an older guy. It was fairly noticeable.

Your concern is appreciated.